Introducing Innish
Innish is a boutique management consultancy, focussed on helping business people make entrepreneurial and strategic decisions
with confidence. Innish will help you with the various inputs required for decision making: initiative, initiation, innovation,
intellect, insight, information, intuition - all strategic inputs that are essential to making entrepreneurial decisions with
The 'ish' part of Innish, reflects Director Ian Wrenford's thinking style and indeed vocabulary. 'Ish' represents
the Pareto principal, the 80/20 rule - and reflects a belief system that from a pragmatic and practical perspective - Managers
rarely seek perfect answers and cast-iron guarantees. Business is often, after all, about taking risks.
Managers typically seek a level of confidence that their decisions and direction are right for the business and right for them. This usually means
fit for purpose information, not the "analysis paralysis" dilemma, and not pristine yet ultimately flawed business cases.
Contact us
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Telephone: 0419 240 075
Or send us an email